
"Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science." Edwin Powell Hubble

At Potter's Gate and St Andrew's schools, we believe that every child is a scientist. We aspire to take our children's natural curiosity about the world around them and develop their questions into scientific discoveries. Our curriculum opens their eyes to the science they find in their immediate environment, including our school pond, Space to Grow, forest school, Bishop's Meadow and Farnham Park. They can then apply this knowledge and understanding to the wider world and beyond.

We support our children to be aware of the environmental changes happening in the world and how they can make a positive difference as a school community. Through our Eco Council and Generation Restoration projects, we provide opportunities for the children to have a practical impact on taking care of our world.

During their time in our schools, the children will develop their scientific skills alongside a love and enjoyment of science. We participate in British Science Week annually to embrace opportunities to enhance and develop our scientific curriculum through trips, visitors and whole school science events.

Children build on their science skills every year through their learning of different scientific concepts and are encouraged to approach science topics with creativity and innovation.

Science (ID 1048)

  • Gilbert White Field Study
  • Alice Holt
    Year 1
  • Wisley Gardens
    Year 2
  • Farnborough Air Museum
    Year 2
  • Local Rock Walk
    Year 3
  • Sayers Croft
    Year 4
  • Winchester Science Museum
    Year 5

Science (ID 1048)

Subject Curriculum Overview 

Exemplars of work  

At Potters Gate, we promote our core values through science:  


We develop and foster fellowship skills within Science in a variety of ways. Through carrying out our scientific investigations, we work closely together to plan and carry out experiments. We listen carefully to each other and show respect for each other’s ideas. When carrying out investigations, we support each other, play our parts and share what we have found out. We celebrate our differences and appreciate the different ideas we can all bring to our learning.  


When we are working together as a team we trust each other to complete our different roles and work our hardest. We trust that our ideas and thoughts are safe with other children in our group, especially when we are learning about sensitive issues. We learn about trusting adults and rules to keep us safe, for example when learning about medicines.  


Science provides many opportunities for us to learn resilience. We appreciate that sometimes our experiments may not go the way we think they might and we consider carefully what we might do next when this happens. Sometimes our ideas might not be chosen by the group, and we understand that this does not mean our ideas aren’t appreciated and might be chosen next time. We can still work on other’s ideas and be respectful. We remember that we can try and try again.  


Throughout our Science topics and other areas of the curriculum, we grow a love and appreciation for the world in which we live. We feel very strongly about getting justice for animals and working together to make a world where all living things are respected.