- Latest Ofsted Report is now on our website. Please see below for the link. Our Executive Headteacher Jayne Venables said: 'I am extremely proud of all the staff who made this such a successful inspection which shows the quality of the education and experiences that the children at Potters Gate receive.'
Welcome to Potters Gate C. of E. Primary School
I have great pleasure in welcoming you to Potters Gate C. of E. Primary School. I hope that this website will give you the information that you need about our school.
Potters Gate Primary School works alongside St. Andrew’s Infant School with an executive leadership. The two schools have a long history together which continues to be evident with the very close working relationship that exists today.
At Potters Gate, children have the opportunity to form lifelong friendships and make an excellent start to their education. We are very proud of our school which offers an environment where staff, families and governors work together to ensure the best possible education for all our children.
As a Church school we have a distinctive character where Christian Values are promoted in all aspects of school life. We encourage all members of the school community to promote a Christian ethos where care and respect is shown to everyone. As a Church school there are strong links with the Parish Church of Saint Andrew's.
Jayne Venables, Executive Headteacher
Latest Ofsted Report - November 2021
· Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life - life in all its fullness,”
· Developing in our children the ability to find joy in life and the natural world, finding moral strength for their own lives.
We celebrate our differences; welcoming families of different faiths and social and ethnic backgrounds to our school family.
This is achieved through our Christian Values of
Fellowship, Justice, Resilience and Trust.
Latest SIAMS Report - December 2025
Potters Gate Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
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Open Days
for prospective parents
Our Open Days are now finished for this year, but will resume in September 2025. Details will be posted here.
If you wish to visit the school outside of these tours, please get in touch with the school office.